Beauty - O! highlights high light of your day !! Thu, 20 Jul 2023 00:26:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Beauty - O! highlights 32 32 7 Life-Changing Tricks You Can Do With Vaseline! Fri, 24 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0000 About everybody has a container of Vaseline lying around the house some place. You can utilize this smooth stuff for a wide range of purposes. The vast majority will for the most part be acquainted with its helpfulness when it comes to dry skin or other skin sicknesses. Be that as it may, there are such a …

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7 Life-Changing Tricks You Can Do With Vaseline!

7 Life-Changing Tricks You Can Do With Vaseline! - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

About everybody has a container of Vaseline lying around the house some place. You can utilize this smooth stuff for a wide range of purposes. The vast majority will for the most part be acquainted with its helpfulness when it comes to dry skin or other skin sicknesses. Be that as it may, there are such a large number of different things you can utilize this straightforward balm for!

These are 7 things you can do with Vaseline you didn’t think about!

Almost everybody has a container of Vaseline lying around the house some place. You can utilize this smooth stuff for a wide range of purposes. A great many people will for the most part be acquainted with its convenience when it comes to dry skin or other skin illnesses. In any case, there are such a significant number of different things you can utilize this basic balm for!

You’ll take out your container of Vaseline a great deal of all the more frequently in the wake of understanding this!

Gooebye to part closes

In the event that you have long hair, you need it look as beautiful as could reasonably be expected, obviously. Split closures can be a genuine blemish when you’re glancing in the mirror – and setting off to the beautician’s considerably more frequently isn’t generally an alternative either. Rather than washed your hair in heaps of costly conditioner when you’re in the shower, give scouring some Vaseline a shot the parts of the bargains. Bye, split finishes!

Rub it on a container of nail clean

Do you utilize a great deal of nail clean? At that point you’ll most likely be comfortable with this: the more you utilize a container of nail clean, the harder it is to open. Forestall such disappointment by scouring a little Vaseline on the edge of the container. Whenever you use it, you’ll have the option to open it without an issue!

Defensive layer for perfume

Did you splash fragrance on your skin in the first part of the day, yet has the aroma vanished following a couple of hours as of now? Give scouring a tad bit of Vaseline a shot your skin before showering the aroma. Shower the aroma on the Vaseline. The salve like substance fills in as a sort of defensive layer that will keep the fragrance from “splashing” excessively far into the skin.


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This Is What Happens When You Leave A Facemask On For Too Long Tue, 24 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 It can have an unfriendly impact At times, your skin needs a lift. With the essential creams, you can make your skin look less sleek, dry and pimply. We as a whole need smooth skin, but before you put on that facemask and turn on a decent film, be mindful so as not to let …

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This Is What Happens When You Leave A Facemask On For Too Long

This Is What Happens When You Leave A Facemask On For Too Long - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

It can have an unfriendly impact

At times, your skin needs a lift. With the essential creams, you can make your skin look less sleek, dry and pimply. We as a whole need smooth skin, but before you put on that facemask and turn on a decent film, be mindful so as not to let it sit for a really long time. A dermatologist clarifies why.

The specific “wear time” varies per cover.


We should begin with the positive characteristics of a facemask. For what reason would you have to apply a facemask in the event that you as of now use day as well as night cream day by day? As a matter of fact, it is basic: a mask is defined to remain on the skin longer and supplement other beauty products. Subsequently, the fixings vanish less fast and substances can infiltrate the skin better. Furthermore, numerous covers contain nutrients that can give your skin an additional lift. These are a lot of motivations to spoil your skin each week with a supporting cover.


We don’t need clogged pores. The more our pores get obstructed the more pimples will show up on our appearances. Do you use a saturating facemask? Be mindful so as not to let it sit for a really long time. The saturating ingredients in the mask could stop up your pores. Try not to leave the mask on past the greatest time on the bundle. If you do, make an effort not to stray from the prescribed time by in excess of a couple of moments.

Lack of hydration

Do you experience the ill effects of sleek skin? There is a decent possibility that you utilize a dry mask to retain a portion of the overabundance dampness. Be cautious with this. Since the refining parts in these masks cause parchedness whenever utilized longer than prescribed, make certain to stick to the time on the bundle. Once more, veering off from the prescribed time could make your skin look dry and flakey, something contrary to what you were planning to accomplish.

Not very frequently

Applying facemasks time and again is additionally not a smart thought. Masks are escalated cures, which means they’re not expected for regular use. Spoil your skin a couple of times each week and utilize the mask as prescribed and presto! Your skin will much be obliged.

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Why Hair & Skin Supplements Do Nothing For You Thu, 19 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Who doesn’t need beautiful nails, sparkling skin, and gleaming hair? Each and every day, the media shells us with advertisements for new excellence items that will assist us with accomplishing every one of those beauty objectives. Nonetheless, how obvious are those convincing enhancements advertisements? Will one item truly yield such amazing outcomes? First of all, …

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Why Hair & Skin Supplements Do Nothing For You

Why Hair & Skin Supplements Do Nothing For You - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

Who doesn’t need beautiful nails, sparkling skin, and gleaming hair? Each and every day, the media shells us with advertisements for new excellence items that will assist us with accomplishing every one of those beauty objectives. Nonetheless, how obvious are those convincing enhancements advertisements? Will one item truly yield such amazing outcomes?

First of all, skin, hair, and nails comprise of keratin, which is a sort of protein. Thusly, they all need an adequate measure of keratin so as to be sound. In addition, biotin and nutrient B together add to the strength of our biggest organ, just as nails and hair.

Hair, skin, and nail supplements for the most part contain these micronutrients, alongside nutrients C and E or Coenzyme Q10 and biotin. Commonly, the organizations that produce these enhancements include minerals, for example, manganese and selenium, also.

In any case, what a large portion of us don’t know is that most of individuals who live in created nations has a satisfactory measure of these supplements.

Devouring a larger number of micronutrients and nutrients than our bodies can retain prompts hypervitaminosis. This is a condition described by uplifted nutrient stockpiling levels. This, thusly, can cause lethal manifestations, for example, queasiness, migraines, tipsiness, and in some cases even full-body shortcoming, which can prompt an ER visit.

On the off chance that the entirety of this hasn’t caused you to reevaluate chugging every one of those excellence pills, consider how organizations really produce them. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesn’t control dietary enhancements, since they are not viewed as medications. Consequently, these enhancements are sheltered until somebody demonstrates them to be hazardous. As a rule, you’re not going to pass on from a couple of biotin pills, however it’s important the security (or scarcity in that department) of what you’re devouring.

Besides, inquire about shows that a portion of these enhancements don’t contain the supplements that the bundling records.

This is particularly troubling since we’re squandering our cash, and all the more significantly, our wellbeing, on some falsehood. In addition, regardless of whether your enhancements contain the right sums, they are still unreasonably high for your requirements.

Most importantly in case you’re moderately solid and eat well, you don’t have to add any enhancements to your excellence routine. At the point when you just eat products of the soil, you get those equivalent supplements – in a more delectable, more beneficial way! So discard these pills since you can in any case look and feel incredible without them.

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These Are The Beauty Benefits Of Rice Water Tue, 17 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Beauty specialists wax melodious about the advantages of rice water! How frequently do you use Google? We use it on numerous occasions a day since it’s simply so convenient! We love googling when we have to know something about clothes washers or when we need to peruse progressively about the British imperial family. Recently, an …

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The post These Are The Beauty Benefits Of Rice Water appeared first on O! highlights.

These Are The Beauty Benefits Of Rice Water

These Are The Beauty Benefits Of Rice Water - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

Beauty specialists wax melodious about the advantages of rice water!

How frequently do you use Google? We use it on numerous occasions a day since it’s simply so convenient! We love googling when we have to know something about clothes washers or when we need to peruse progressively about the British imperial family. Recently, an extremely well-known inquiry term is ‘rice water’; its recurrence has expanded with 2,000 percent over the recent months! All in all, what are the advantages of rice water?

We’ll educate you concerning all the things you can do with rice water and the incredible advantages.

Rice water

In Japan, rice water has been being used for hair care for quite a long time and years as of now: it assists with allowing your hair to hair and makes it milder too. This Japanese convention passes by the name of yu-su-ru. The Japanese ladies wash their hair with the rice water to make it more grounded. The convention has now blown over from Japan to the remainder of the world and web journals and video blogs about washing your hair with rice water have been showing up everywhere. Evidently, rice water has numerous advantages for your hair and skin.

For what reason is it so successful?

Rice water is loaded with nutrients, minerals and amino acids that can add to sound and pretty skin. It additionally contains a cancer prevention agent called ferulic corrosive, which is a substance that can calm and recuperate skin when it has been scorched. Other than the entirety of this, it likewise contains inositol; a sugar that can fortify your hair. In the wake of hearing the entirety of this, we thoroughly comprehend why such huge numbers of individuals depend on utilizing rice water!

How would you make rice water?

It’s extremely simple to make rice water. You’ll require around 100 grams of rice and 480 milliliters of water. Wash the rice and afterward put it in a bowl and include the water. Mix it and afterward let the rice rest for 20 to 30 minutes in the bowl with water. At that point, channel the rice yet keep the water (clearly). Move the water to a sealed shut compartment on the off chance that you would prefer not to utilize it immediately; it’ll save for about seven days. Concerning the rice; you can in any case cook it and eat it – no compelling reason to discard it.

Facial chemical

Clean your face with rice water to get delicate and shining skin. Pour a tad of the water onto a cotton cushion and utilize this to rub your face with. Rehash this a couple of times each week to give your skin a lift. It will likewise assist with limiting your pores.

Skin break out

The quieting impact of the water is one reason why it works very well against skin break out. It lessens the redness and it will likewise make you get less pimples later on.


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This Is Why You Should Rub Listerine In Your Hair Tue, 17 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Most of us have had it sooner or later and it’s something that can be hard to dispose of: dandruff. Dandruff is a skin condition that is a mellow type of dermatitis. Typically, the skin on your head disposes of dead skin cells in a way that is undetectable. It may be the case that …

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This Is Why You Should Rub Listerine In Your Hair

This Is Why You Should Rub Listerine In Your Hair - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

Most of us have had it sooner or later and it’s something that can be hard to dispose of: dandruff. Dandruff is a skin condition that is a mellow type of dermatitis. Typically, the skin on your head disposes of dead skin cells in a way that is undetectable. It may be the case that your dead skin cells are being discarded too rapidly, however, which is the point at which they become obvious and you have dandruff.

Fortunately, Listerine can assist you with an excursion with this issue!


To begin with, how about we get into dandruff somewhat more. There are a few unique sorts of dead dandruff, similar to dry dandruff and oily dandruff. Dry dandruff is the consequence of dry skin. It gives little white drops on your scalp and in your hair. The pieces will vacillate down to your garments. With oily dandruff, the pieces stay together and they aggregate on your scalp. Whatever the reason is, the impact is the equivalent: you favor strolling around with a cap to conceal those white drops and let no one see it.


All in all, how might you dispose of it? All you need is some Listerine! This multifunctional mouthwash can assist you with disposing of the white chips on your head. Everyone knows Listerine as the stuff you clean your mouth with, however you can really utilize it for some more things. Did you know you can use it as an antiperspirant, for instance? It’s constantly convenient to keep a container of this stuff around the house.

This is how to do it

Obviously, you can utilize half of your month to month pay to purchase a strangely costly container of against dandruff cleanser, yet you can likewise essentially utilize something you may as of now have in your restroom bureau at any rate: Listerine. Fill a shower bottle half with Listerine and half with water and give it a decent shake. At that point, when your hair is wet, splash the blend onto your scalp and leave it to drench for a couple of moments before washing it with tepid water. Your scalp will feel new and very much thought about and you’ll see your dandruff has vanished! Did you realize that during the 1950s Listerine was really sold as an enemy of dandruff item before individuals acknowledged it functioned admirably as mouth water as well? The menthol and eucalyptus it contains have an enemy of parasitic capacity, which makes it exceptionally successful against dandruff also.

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This Is Why You Should Rub Vodka On Your Face. Mon, 16 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 When we consider vodka, we think about a regularly Russian mixed beverage that can be used for huge amounts of tasty cocktails. Or on the other hand perhaps to drink all things considered, in case you’re feeling bold. We didn’t generally consider using it as a major aspect of our healthy skin schedule, yet evidently, …

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This Is Why You Should Rub Vodka On Your Face.

When we consider vodka, we think about a regularly Russian mixed beverage that can be used for huge amounts of tasty cocktails. Or on the other hand perhaps to drink all things considered, in case you’re feeling bold. We didn’t generally consider using it as a major aspect of our healthy skin schedule, yet evidently, that is actually what you can use it for.

Did you realize vodka can be used for some more things than simply drinking?


Other than adding it to your healthy skin schedule, you can also use vodka for different things. For instance, did you think about the accompanying employments?

  • Vodka can expel dreadful scents from texture: Fabric things like clothes or towels frequently begin to smell a little smelly after some time – it’s practically inescapable. Fortunately, this Russian alcohol is an incredible solution you can use to expel smelly scents from texture. Empty 80 milliliters of vodka into your clothes washer together with your preferred clothing cleanser and wash the texture things being referred to like you regularly would.
  • It’ll keep new cut flowers looking lovely: Did you realize that vodka has an antibacterial impact? It’s alcohol, all things considered. Along these lines, including a little measure of the alcohol to a jar of blossoms (around one teaspoon for every liter of water) will slaughter the bacteria that develop in the container and on the flowers. This is the most straightforward approach to keep your lovely bunch of roses from shriveling early.


Maybe you believe it’s a misuse of vodka to rub it all over as opposed to drinking it, however, we do suggest sparing a smidgen of it at the base of the bottle! You can use vodka as a toner; simply apply some of it to a cotton cushion and afterward use that to clean your face. It can lessen skin break out just as your pore size.

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7 Beauty Rituals No One Talks About But Everyone Does. Thu, 12 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 young woman shave the hairs on her toe with razor on white background Beauty isn’t always beautiful, and sometimes it’s humiliating to discuss, and that’s totally okay! It’s 2020, and we believe it’s about time that we pull back the window ornament on a portion of the more ’embarrassing’ beauty hacks we’ve all been doing …

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7 Beauty Rituals No One Talks About But Everyone Does.

7 Beauty Rituals No One Talks About But Everyone Does. - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime
young woman shave the hairs on her toe with razor on white background

Beauty isn’t always beautiful, and sometimes it’s humiliating to discuss, and that’s totally okay! It’s 2020, and we believe it’s about time that we pull back the window ornament on a portion of the more ’embarrassing’ beauty hacks we’ve all been doing for a lot of time. This doesn’t mean you have to incorporate toe shaving in your next Instagram story, but we also wouldn’t be disappointed if you did.

Toe Shaving

A few young ladies are normally bristly AF (me) and keeping in mind that some decide to let nature follow through to its logical end (likewise, me), others might need to evacuate the little hairs that spring up in unforeseen spots like your knuckles, toes and underneath your jaw. To expel them, a straightforward, clean razor will do yet on the off chance that you’d prefer to be progressively exact, attempt an eyebrow razor.

DIY Hair Masks

It smells out of control, however at home fixings like mayo and egg is surprisingly nourishing for a dry, crimped mane. Love the outcomes, yet not the fragrance? Swap this topping for a characteristic hydrating treatment.

Painting Over Yellowing Toenails

Nobody appreciates yellow toenails, except if it’s a purposeful nail clean decision. This is frequently brought about by dim nail shines recoloring your normal nails and can be handily forestalled with a base layer of clean. We love Essie Here To Stay Base Coat to keep our nails cleaned and recolor free.

Hemorrhoid Cream for Under Eye Puffiness

Peculiar as it might sound, numerous cosmetics craftsmen depend on this stuff! This mainstream convenient solution can incidentally soothe dark circles and fix under-eye sacks (and is an ideal answer for aftereffect face).


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12 Life-Changing Health & Beauty Hacks You Wish You Knew Before! Thu, 12 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Who doesn’t love some good health and wellbeing tips and hacks? I love whatever makes me look more beautiful and rested without spending a lot of money on beauty products. Truth be told, I’ve probably spent a shitload of money on makeup and skincare products over the years, and that changed when I discovered the …

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12 Life-Changing Health & Beauty Hacks You Wish You Knew Before!

12 Life-Changing Health & Beauty Hacks You Wish You Knew Before! - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

Who doesn’t love some good health and wellbeing tips and hacks? I love whatever makes me look more beautiful and rested without spending a lot of money on beauty products. Truth be told, I’ve probably spent a shitload of money on makeup and skincare products over the years, and that changed when I discovered the following tips. My skin is probably asking why my face is full of coffee and oats all over it. However, these tips can truly help you with your skin’s health, just as with saving some money and time on hair and makeup.

As females, there’s a lot to take care of, however on the off chance that there are magnificence hacks to make things simpler, at that point I’m in support of it. Give me those insane cleans and peculiar eyeliner stunts, I need all the assist I with canning get.

Life-Changing Beauty Hacks

Green Tea Bags for Puffiness: When I originally observed my sister do this, I’m almost certain I gave her an unusual look. In any case, in the wake of finding out about how putting green tea packs simply under (or on) your eyes can dispose of puffiness and dark circles, I was about it (this likely positions high in my preferred wellbeing and beauty tips)

Eye Shadow for Thicker Hair: This is a simple and snappy hack if you need to give the presence of having thicker hair. Simply take a little to medium estimated brush, pick an eyeshadow that is very close to your own hair shading, and afterward apply at the foundations of where your hair parts. It’s as simple as that!

The Concealer Triangle: A part of the time, us ladies apply concealer in accordance with our dark circles. Be that as it may, this is the most exceedingly awful approach to diminish the presence of them. What you have to do rather is make a “V” (or modified triangle) shape, and mix into your skin to get an all the more very much refreshed and more splendid look!

Nails in Cold Water: This was one of the principal wellbeing and magnificence tips I at any point learned. When I was a child, my sister (a similar one with the tea sacks) did my nails and showed me this hack. In the wake of covering your nails with clean, plunge them into a pre-arranged bowl of ice water, and let them sit for about a moment.


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These 7 Foods That Can Be Used In Your Beauty Routine! Can You Guess Them? Wed, 11 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Relatively few people acknowledge what number of regular kitchen products you can remember for your everyday beauty routine. Truth be told, numerous foods and cooking oils do some incredible things for damaged hair and dry skin. Some even help you with detoxing or secure yourself against unsafe UV beams. So next time you come up …

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These 7 Foods That Can Be Used In Your Beauty Routine! Can You Guess Them?

These 7 Foods That Can Be Used In Your Beauty Routine! Can You Guess Them? - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

Relatively few people acknowledge what number of regular kitchen products you can remember for your everyday beauty routine. Truth be told, numerous foods and cooking oils do some incredible things for damaged hair and dry skin. Some even help you with detoxing or secure yourself against unsafe UV beams. So next time you come up short on a locally acquired skincare item, go after one of these seven things from your kitchen as opposed to hurrying to the store.

1. Greek Yogurt

Did you realize that Greek yogurt can quiet aggravated skin? Essentially, the lactic corrosive in yogurt has mitigating properties. Likewise, Greek yogurt can mitigate even the most noticeably terrible burn from the sun. Simply rub it on the consume, let it sit for a couple of moments, at that point wash it off in the shower. You’ll feel almost moment alleviation from your burn from the sun!

2. Cucumbers

Crisp cucumbers can diminish your water maintenance, which thus lessens eye puffiness. Essentially place a cucumber cut on each eye and let the calming vegetable do something amazing. You’ll have more splendid skin and less under-eye staining in the blink of an eye.

3. Avocado Oil

Avocados give huge measures of saturated fat. The oil the two advantages people with dry skin and those with bunched up hair. Furthermore, avocado oil can also quiet dermatitis.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil is an incredible method to mitigate soft skin. It’s a purifying oil that you can use both on your skin and in your hair. Olive oil additionally contains cancer prevention agents and nutrients, which makes it a decent cream.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

In all honesty, apple juice vinegar can deep clean your hair. It can likewise adjust lopsided skin tone, decrease dull spots, and clear up gentle skin inflammation. In case you’re searching for the best apple juice vinegar for your skin and hair, ensure that it’s crude and natural and states “with the mother” on the bundling.

6. Brown Sugar

Brown sugar may feel gentler than most different sugars, however, it’s as yet sufficiently able to clean away your dead skin cells. Accordingly, darker sugar makes an extraordinary normal exfoliant. This sugar additionally enables your skin to look more brilliant and shows off its excellence. What’s more, obviously, it smells delightful!

7. Oats

Most likely you’ve seen creams with cereal previously, isn’t that so? All things considered, oats can reestablish dampness to dry, irritated skin or help clear skin inflammation on slick skin.

Looking for skin and hair care items that really work can feel overpowering and be costly! In case you’re on a careful spending plan and need a characteristic solution for your skin and hair, head to your kitchen and check out these unusual magnificence items. Trust me, you will love it!

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The Surprising Thing Most Women Should Clean More Often. Tue, 10 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0000 It seems like many of us (women) should always be reminded of how important it is to clean our makeup brushes often. According to a poll made in 2015, only 39% of women clean their makeup brushes once a month, while another 22% reported that they don’t clean them at all. We get that cleaning …

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The Surprising Thing Most Women Should Clean More Often.

The Surprising Thing Most Women Should Clean More Often. - Beauty 2024 | PopcornTime

It seems like many of us (women) should always be reminded of how important it is to clean our makeup brushes often. According to a poll made in 2015, only 39% of women clean their makeup brushes once a month, while another 22% reported that they don’t clean them at all.

We get that cleaning makeup brushes might seem a bit hard and tricky, but it’s not at all. In fact, it’s a fast and easy process. And in this article, you’ll find an easy way to clean your makeup brushes, and it costs you nothing.

But first? Why should you clean your makeup brushes on a regular basis?

Why Should I Clean My Makeup Brushes?

The first thing you should think about when skipping your brush cleaning is hygiene. Your makeup brushes are loaded with oily buildup, bacteria, and dead skin cells. And if you don’t like breakouts, (who does anyway?), you don’t want this combination on your face.

Also, your dirty makeup brushes don’t apply products well. Clean ones are better for application. If you want to perfectly apply and blend your makeup, try cleaning your makeup brushes more often and you’ll notice the difference.

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

You’ll need:

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