Health - O! highlights high light of your day !! Fri, 21 Jul 2023 00:32:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health - O! highlights 32 32 11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House Fri, 27 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Peppermint is a wonderful little plant with many benefits from both its leaves and its oil. From health issues to house cleaning, peppermint offers many lesser known uses. Let’s get straight to it. Clean carpets and fabrics If your carpets, sofas and other furniture don’t smell too good, mix a few drops of baking soda …

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11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Peppermint is a wonderful little plant with many benefits from both its leaves and its oil. From health issues to house cleaning, peppermint offers many lesser known uses. Let’s get straight to it.

  1. Clean carpets and fabrics
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

If your carpets, sofas and other furniture don’t smell too good, mix a few drops of baking soda with peppermint essential oil. Sprinkle it on the carpet or furniture and leave it for a few hours. You can then vacuum it up to get a fresher scent.

  1. Keep pests away
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Most insects and pests don’t like the smell of mint. A few drops around windows, doors and cracks in the house will keep pests away.

  1. Reduce nausea.
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

If you feel nauseous, try sniffing peppermint essential oil or putting a few drops in a diffuser. Peppermint is known to help many people combat the symptoms of nausea.

  1. Promotes healthy hair
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Many people swear by mixing a few drops of peppermint oil into their shampoo in the shower. It is said to remove dandruff and make hair stronger, longer and shinier.

  1. A bug-free backyard
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

There’s nothing worse than being swarmed by mosquitoes on a relaxing evening in the front or backyard. Insects hate the smell of mint, so planting some mint plants in your garden will help keep them away.

  1. Fight acne
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

To get rid of acne and blemishes, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and apply to the affected area of the skin using a cotton ball or cotton pad. Leave on overnight and wash off in the morning.

  1. Energy booster
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Feeling a little low on energy? Try a few puffs of peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is said to improve concentration, increase energy and boost blood flow to the brain.

  1. Soothe itchy insect bites
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Peppermint oil is particularly good for soothing itchy skin caused by insect bites. Simply mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil and apply to insect bites and itchy areas.

  1. Soothe a sore throat
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

If your throat becomes dry, itchy or sore, drink peppermint tea. The peppermint in peppermint tea relieves pain and inflammation and also fights infection.

  1. Relieves headaches
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

If you have a headache, try rubbing a few drops of diluted peppermint oil on your temples, forehead and the back of your neck.

  1. Deodorise your bathroom
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Want to create a simple, subtle air freshener for your bathroom? Simply place a few drops of peppermint oil inside a toilet paper roll. This oil will keep your washroom clean and smelling fresh.

  1. For muscle pains
11+ Awesome Ways To Use Peppermint Around The House - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

If you have muscle pain, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil and massage the area of concern. It feels great and smells great.

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Headaches and fatigue are common symptoms of anemia. Here are 6 ways to treat it naturally Tue, 24 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The body needs a certain number of red blood cells to function properly. If the number drops too low, a condition called anemia can occur. Red blood cells do many valuable things, but one of their most important jobs is to carry hemoglobin, which helps bind oxygen, according to WebMD.If your red blood cell count …

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Headaches and fatigue are common symptoms of anemia. Here are 6 ways to treat it naturally - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

The body needs a certain number of red blood cells to function properly. If the number drops too low, a condition called anemia can occur. Red blood cells do many valuable things, but one of their most important jobs is to carry hemoglobin, which helps bind oxygen, according to WebMD.
If your red blood cell count drops too low, your organs don’t get enough oxygen to work optimally. This leads to symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Anemia affects more than 3.5 million Americans. Some types of anemia can be treated naturally, but you should always talk to your doctor if you think you may have this condition.

  1. High iron intake

According to Dr. Axe, one of the easiest ways to treat anemia is to include more high-protein foods in your diet. Foods high in iron include beans, vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables), beef, bison and liver.

  1. Reduce stress.

According to the National Center for Biological Information, researchers have found that stress can reduce serum iron production, which in turn can lead to anemia or trigger anemia symptoms. One simple way to relieve and treat anemia symptoms is to reduce stress. These include meditation, walking, exercise, singing and sleep.

  1. Avoid trigger foods.

Patients with anemia should avoid some foods; LifeStrong reports that the foods listed can make symptoms worse. Foods that people with anemia should avoid or reduce include alcohol, tea, corn, white rice, white flour, and alcohol.

  1. Eat more probiotics.

Body Ecology states that a major cause of anemia is poor intestinal health. If the intestines are not working properly, they cannot adequately absorb nutrients. A simple solution to this problem is to add probiotics to your diet. These include fermented foods (kimchi, miso, tempeh, sauerkraut), Greek yogurt, and cheese.

  1. High intake of vitamin C

The main problem with anemia is that it can damage the immune system. This makes you more susceptible to various diseases. Increasing your vitamin C intake through supplements and including vitamin C-rich foods in your diet can help protect your immune system.

What are some types of anemia that can cause headaches?

There are several types of anemia that can cause headaches.
Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) essentially causes headaches because the brain needs less oxygen to function optimally.

IDA is also associated with migraine headaches, especially in menstruating women.

Anemia due to vitamin deficiency

Similar to iron deficiency, anemia can occur when some vitamins, such as B-12 and folic acid, are deficient. Such anemia can also reduce oxygen levels in the brain and cause basic headaches.

Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia

Sickle cell disease or thalassemia is a type of anemia in which the red blood cells become more sticky, form clots, or take on an abnormal shape. These conditions can also cause headaches.

Anemia is a risk factor for the development of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), a rare disorder in which blood clots form in the veins of the brain. This disorder is also sometimes referred to as cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (CSVT).

What types of headaches can be caused by anemia?

Basic headache.

This is the type of headache that most people experience from time to time. These headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including low oxygen levels in the brain.

Migraine Attacks

Migraine pain varies, but is usually described as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Migraine attacks occur regularly and may have associated symptoms such as changes in vision and sensitivity to light and sound. They tend to be severe and persistent.

CVT Headaches

CVT is a blood clot that develops in a vein draining blood from the brain. The blockage causes blood to flow backwards, resulting in swelling and inflammation of the walls of the vein, which leaks blood to the brain and causes headaches.

Headache is the most common symptom of CVT, occurring in about 90% of patients.

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Looking For A Healthy Bedtime Snack? A Sleep Specialist Shares 3 Ideas Thu, 07 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 There’s an old wives’ tale about wellness that goes something like this: Any food eaten after dinner is more likely to disrupt your sleep and cause weight gain. In fact, most experts agree that as long as you’re not practicing intermittent fasting, there’s no reason to fear a bedtime snack. In fact, the right snack …

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The post Looking For A Healthy Bedtime Snack? A Sleep Specialist Shares 3 Ideas appeared first on O! highlights.

Looking For A Healthy Bedtime Snack? A Sleep Specialist Shares 3 Ideas - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

There’s an old wives’ tale about wellness that goes something like this: Any food eaten after dinner is more likely to disrupt your sleep and cause weight gain. In fact, most experts agree that as long as you’re not practicing intermittent fasting, there’s no reason to fear a bedtime snack. In fact, the right snack can help your sleep, not disrupt it.

Why you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach.
First, a quick reminder of why you don’t need to avoid eating after dinner: Going to bed on an empty stomach can cause your blood sugar to drop in the middle of the night. In response, your body produces a number of hormones to help restore balance, including cortisol, an important hormone in the stress response. Too much cortisol can disrupt your sleep by throwing off your sleep-wake rhythm and causing you to wake up in the middle of the night.

With this in mind, psychologist and behavioural sleep medicine specialist Shelby Harris, PsyD, DBSM, tells mbg that “if you are someone who wakes up in the middle of the night feeling hungry, a light snack is all you need before bed.”

However, Harris adds that while you don’t want to go to bed hungry, you don’t want to go to bed too full either. “Eating heavy meals in the three hours before bedtime can cause sleep problems for some people,” she says.

As well as avoiding heavy meals, you should avoid fatty, spicy and acidic foods after dinner, as these can also affect sleep quality.

Instead, Michael Breus, MD, a certified sleep specialist, generally recommends a light snack (about 200 to 250 calories) about 30 minutes before bedtime. While everyone is different, a combination of carbohydrates, protein and/or healthy fats will be satiating – but not stimulating – for most people.

A sleep specialist’s favourite snacks.
The next time you feel peckish before bed, Harris recommends the following healthy snacks. All of them, she says, “will help regulate your blood sugar throughout the night, so you won’t wake up as hungry.

Half a banana and peanut butter
1 or 2 whole wheat crackers and cheese
A small portion of Greek yoghurt
Opting for these healthy, hearty nibbles before bed can limit hunger while you sleep, which can be beneficial for your diet when you wake up. Recent research confirms that people who get enough sleep tend to eat a healthier diet and are less likely to overeat. So a healthy snack in the evening could be just what you need to resist unhealthy snacking during the day.

The bottom line.

If you occasionally wake up hungry in the middle of the night, you might want to try eating a light snack before bed. Keep some yogurt, cheese and crackers, or a banana and peanut butter on hand to keep your blood sugar—and your sleep—steady through the entire night.

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Hydration Rules: The 4 Facts & Myths You Need To Know About Water Thu, 07 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 There is nothing on earth as simple as a glass of water. And yet our habits and understanding of H2O are a bit murky. Some of us still stubbornly resist hydration, even though it could ease some of our daily worries. Others drink water based on outdated advice. That’s why we decided to create the …

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Hydration Rules: The 4 Facts & Myths You Need To Know About Water - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

There is nothing on earth as simple as a glass of water. And yet our habits and understanding of H2O are a bit murky. Some of us still stubbornly resist hydration, even though it could ease some of our daily worries. Others drink water based on outdated advice. That’s why we decided to create the hydration rules: a few simple and effective practices to get you drinking more water.

The hydration rules start with awareness. If we truly understood how fundamental water is physically, mentally and emotionally, we would stop holding back the river and befriend the tap. It’s also about making hydration easier, and that’s where Twinings Cold Infuse™ cold water enhancers come in. Because when your water is infused with subtle herbal and fruit flavours like Watermelon & Mint, drinking water no longer feels like a chore.

Getting into the habit of hydrating is the first thing you can do for your well-being, so let’s take it one rule at a time.

Rule: How much water should you drink each day? This is different for everyone.
While drinking eight glasses of water a day won’t hurt you, there’s no specific science behind this age-old recommendation. So where does this myth come from? It is thought to have originated from a report published by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council in 1945… In other words, it is time to update our thinking.

The modern approach: There is no single formula for determining the amount of H2O needed for ideal hydration. Instead, listen to your body’s thirst signals and drink accordingly. More officially, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine estimates that men should drink about 15.5 cups of water per day and women about 11.5 cups. If that sounds like a lot of water, it is. But achieving this goal is significantly easier with Twinings Cold Infuse™ flavor enhancers. Simply drop a Strawberry & Lemon infuser into your water bottle and enjoy the excitement of flavored water without any sweet ingredients.

Rule: The best time to drink water is throughout the day.
There is a lot of talk about the importance of hydrating first thing in the morning. But studies have shown that drinking water in the morning has no specific effect on our overall hydration level. Instead, we should hydrate regularly throughout the day. The different flavours of Twinings Cold Infuse™ are an easy way to do this. Set a goal to try two flavours in one day, such as lemon and ginger and peach and passion fruit (that’s already two bottles of water!), and sip them throughout the day and when you’re on the go. The mouth-watering flavours will keep you coming back for more.

Rule: Don’t drink too much water.

Yes, it’s possible – and it’s called hyponatremia, which means “low blood salt”. Drinking too much water in a short space of time causes the concentration of sodium in our blood to drop to dangerously low levels. As our kidneys cannot remove water from our body quickly enough, the excess water dilutes our blood and makes our cells swell. This is also known as “water intoxication”, and symptoms include headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and mental fog. Instead of gulping down your bottle of water, sip water throughout the day to get the most out of hydration.

Rule: Drink water when you are thirsty – your body is talking to you.
The key to staying on top of hydration is to listen to your body’s thirst signals. Scientifically, thirst is caused by an increase in plasma osmolality (the balance between water and electrolytes in the body) as low as 2%. According to the experts, we are not technically “dehydrated” until we have lost 3% or more of our body weight (or a 5% increase in plasma osmolality), but thirst indicates that we are heading in that direction. So keep a reusable water bottle handy, and when you feel thirsty, take a break and make water a priority. Trust us, this won’t be hard to do if you have Twinings Cold Infuse™ Blueberry & Apple nearby.

The bottom line: Listen to your body!
One thing we forget in a chaotic and hyper-stimulated world: Our body is constantly talking to us. It sends us signals and clues about what it needs most. Tired? You probably need to lie down. Hungry? Time for a sandwich. Thirsty? Pour a glass of water and drop in your favourite Twinings Cold Infuse™ flavour enhancer. The rules of hydration are not complex: Drink more water throughout the day, not too much, and make it a pleasure! Listen to your body and let the H2O flow.

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9 Habits That The World’s Healthiest & Longest-Lived People Share Thu, 07 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 About 20 years ago, while working for National Geographic and on a grant from the National Institute on Aging, I began to identify and study the longest-living people, those in what we call the blue zones of the world. These are people who have escaped heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and several types of cancer. My …

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9 Habits That The World’s Healthiest & Longest-Lived People Share

9 Habits That The World’s Healthiest & Longest-Lived People Share - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

About 20 years ago, while working for National Geographic and on a grant from the National Institute on Aging, I began to identify and study the longest-living people, those in what we call the blue zones of the world. These are people who have escaped heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and several types of cancer.

My goal, in a sense, was to reverse engineer longevity. Given that only about 20% of the average person’s lifespan is dictated by genes, I thought that if I could find the common denominators in people who achieved the health outcomes we want, I could draw some good lessons for the rest of us. I discovered nine powerful lessons – the nine powers – that underlie the five blue zones. Here they are:

  1. Move naturally.
    The longest-living people in the world do not work out, run marathons or join gyms. Instead, they live in an environment that constantly encourages them to move without thinking about it. They cultivate gardens and do not have mechanical means to do housework and gardening.

2. Find a purpose.
The Okinawans call it ikigai and the Nicoyans plan de vida; for both, it translates as ‘why I get up in the morning’. Knowing your purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy.

3.Slow down.
post-biotic body lotion
Ultra-moisturising formula that nourishes the skin barrier, available in unscented and unscented versions. Even people living in blue zones experience stress. Stress leads to chronic inflammation, which is associated with all major age-related diseases. What the longest-living people in the world have more than we do are routines to get rid of this stress. Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians take a nap and Sardinians have happy hour.

  1. Follow the 80% rule.
    Hara hachi bu, the 2,500 year old Okinawan Confucian mantra spoken before meals, reminds us to stop eating when the stomach is 80% full. The 20% difference between not feeling hungry and feeling full can mean the difference between weight loss and weight gain. People in the blue zones eat their smallest meal in the late afternoon or early evening and then do not eat for the rest of the day.
  2. Eat mainly plants.
    Beans, especially broad beans, black beans, soybeans and lentils, are the cornerstone of most centenarian diets. Meat, mainly pork, is eaten on average only five times a month. Portions are 3 to 4 ounces, about the size of a deck of cards.
  3. Drink wine at 5 o’clock.
    People in all blue zones (except Adventists) drink moderately and regularly. Moderate drinkers live longer than non-drinkers. The trick is to drink one to two glasses a day (preferably Cannonau wine from Sardinia) with friends and/or food. And no, you can’t save up all week and drink 14 glasses on Saturday.
  4. Find your place.
    All but five of the 263 centenarians we interviewed belonged to a faith community. The denomination does not seem to matter. Research shows that attending religious services four times a month increases life expectancy by 4 to 14 years.
  5. Put your loved ones first.
    Successful centenarians in the blue zones put their families first. This means keeping their elderly parents and grandparents close by or at home. (They commit to a life partner (which can add up to three years of life expectancy) and invest in their children by giving them time and love (and they will be more likely to look after you when the time comes).
  6. Find the right community.
    The longest-living people in the world have chosen – or been born into – social circles that promote healthy behaviours. For example, the Okinawans have created moais, groups of five friends who commit to each other for life. Research from the Framingham studies shows that smoking, obesity, happiness and even loneliness are contagious. The social networks of long-lived people have therefore positively influenced their health behaviours.

To make it to age 100, you have to have won the genetic lottery. But most of us have the capacity to make it well into our early 90s and largely without chronic disease. As the Adventists demonstrate, the average person’s life expectancy could increase by 10 to 12 years by adopting a Blue Zones lifestyle.

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The Best Time Of Day To Take Vitamin D, According To Experts Thu, 07 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for our health and well-being for many reasons (mood, bone health, immunity, etc.).* Unfortunately, many of us are not getting enough. Research shows that 93% of Americans fail to get 400 IU of vitamin D per day from their diet – and the science clearly shows that 400 IU …

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The Best Time Of Day To Take Vitamin D, According To Experts

The Best Time Of Day To Take Vitamin D, According To Experts - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for our health and well-being for many reasons (mood, bone health, immunity, etc.).* Unfortunately, many of us are not getting enough. Research shows that 93% of Americans fail to get 400 IU of vitamin D per day from their diet – and the science clearly shows that 400 IU is not nearly enough.

So it’s no surprise that vitamin D supplementation has become such a hot topic. However, to get the benefits of the sunshine vitamin in supplement form, you don’t just grab the first bottle you see and open it at random. On the contrary, a good supplement routine will do your health and your wallet a world of good.

So when is the best time to take vitamin D and how do you get the most out of your regimen? Here’s what the experts have to say.

The benefits of vitamin D supplementation.
The reason vitamin D supplements have become such a necessity for most people: “There are virtually no good natural food sources of vitamin D,” says renowned researcher Michael Holick, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine at Boston University and author of The Vitamin D Solution*.

Given that a 3-ounce serving of farmed salmon contains about 447 IU, a cup of fortified milk offers up to 100 IU, and 8 ounces of vanilla yogurt provides only 86 IU, you’d have to eat a truly unrealistic amount of vitamin D-containing foods to accumulate a significant amount (i.e., an amount to achieve vitamin D sufficiency). “You really can’t get enough vitamin D from your diet,” Holick confirms.

And while you can get some vitamin D from the sun, it’s still virtually impossible to meet your needs from diet and safe skin exposure alone, according to Holick. “Unless you’re a lifeguard, it’s unrealistic to think you can get enough vitamin D exposure from the sun,” he says.

In fact, his research on vitamin D levels found that mean serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (the body’s clinical biomarker for vitamin D status) for adults in the United States hovered only between 18 and 22 ng/ml in late winter, and again only 29 ng/ml in late summer. Both values are below the 30 ng/ml threshold for basic vitamin D. deficiency (i.e., the threshold, not the target). “The difference is small in either season,” Holick says. “We still don’t have enough.

Because of these different factors, Holick (along with many other health professionals and researchers) recommends supplementing with vitamin D daily.

(Want some recommendations that will really help you meet your needs? Check out our favorite vitamin D supplements.)

What to consider when scheduling your vitamin D supplementation.
Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it prefers a fat source to be properly absorbed by the body. According to dietitian Whitney Crouch, RDN, CLT, vitamin D supplements “are best absorbed when taken with foods containing avocado, olive oil, flax or other sources of beneficial fats. “* Therefore, taking your standard vitamin D supplement on an empty stomach is probably not the best idea.

However, there is one important exception. “If your supplement is already packaged with adequate fats included, there’s no need to take it with food,” adds Crouch. This is an uncommon feature among vitamin D supplements offered today, so it’s important to check product labels to make sure yours contains some type of fat or oil to promote absorption, Holick says.

However, if that is the case, you can feel free to take your vitamin D without food. And if not, you’ll still absorb some vitamin D. “We’ve done studies and shown that vitamin D with oil can be taken with a full meal, on an empty stomach, with extra fat or without,” says Holick.

That’s why mbg has uniquely and expertly formulated our vitamin D3 potency+ with three high-quality, organic built-in oils (from extra virgin olive oil, avocado and flaxseed) to ensure you’re maximising the fat-soluble bioavailability of this critical nutrient.* With this absorption support, you can get the most out of your vitamin D, regardless of when you take it (not to mention the healthy omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids).

The relationship between vitamin D and sleep.
You may have heard some of the rumours suggesting that taking a vitamin D supplement before bedtime can affect your ability to sleep. Well, at the moment it’s not very clear.

Research has shown that vitamin D is involved in the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate circadian rhythm and sleep. As mbg’s director of scientific affairs, Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, explains, “The relationship between vitamin D and sleep appears to be bidirectional. Suboptimal vitamin D status is associated with poorer sleep quality and duration, and inadequate sleep is associated with an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency.

So, when’s the best time to take vitamin D, then?

According to the experts, when you take your vitamin D supplement is really up to you. “It does not have to be taken at a certain time,” says Connie Weaver, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Nutrition Science at Purdue University. “The best time is whenever in your schedule you can remember to take it.”

As long as your supplement contains fat, you’ve got plenty of flexibility. To stay consistent, though, Crouch suggests trying tying your vitamin D supplement to some other part of your routine that happens daily, like drinking your morning coffee or brushing your teeth.

 If it doesn’t contain fat, try tying it to your breakfast (and just make sure you’ve got some healthy fat like avocado or olive oil in there).* If lunch or dinner works better for your D ritual, go for it!

And if you happen to take your vitamin D at different times or even forget to take it here and there, don’t panic. “Vitamin D is very forgiving,” Holick says. “If you forget it one day, you can take double the next day.” No sweat!*

The takeaway.

There’s no question that taking a vitamin D supplement is a good idea. Once you’ve gotten your levels tested and picked out a high-quality supplement (like mbg’s vitamin D3 potency+), tack it onto an established part of your daily routine like eating your breakfast or brushing your teeth. Remember: If your supplement doesn’t contain fats to support absorption, you’ll need to pair your vitamin D with some sort of healthy fat, like avocado for optimal absorption.

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The post The Best Time Of Day To Take Vitamin D, According To Experts appeared first on O! highlights.

The Reason Why You Should Always Sleep Next To A Sliced Lemon Mon, 27 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Numerous people realize that lemon can be utilized as an added substance that can add a novel taste to food, and they likewise realize that it can either be utilized to make tea, make lemon squeeze, or blend it in with water to have an invigorating beverage. In any case, what the vast majority don’t …

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The post The Reason Why You Should Always Sleep Next To A Sliced Lemon appeared first on O! highlights.

The Reason Why You Should Always Sleep Next To A Sliced Lemon

The Reason Why You Should Always Sleep Next To A Sliced Lemon - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Numerous people realize that lemon can be utilized as an added substance that can add a novel taste to food, and they likewise realize that it can either be utilized to make tea, make lemon squeeze, or blend it in with water to have an invigorating beverage. In any case, what the vast majority don’t know is the way that it contains some wellbeing properties that can be misused for extremely unforeseen employments.

Resting close to a cut lemon can be incredibly advantageous to you in such a case that you breathe in the lemon fragrance, your body gets full utilization of homeopathy. At the end of the day, dozing close to a cut lemon can lessen pulse, increment efficiency, decrease aviation route aggravation and quiet hypersensitivities, increment readiness, diminish pressure, and in particular quiet you down.

The Skin Care Ox originator, Diane Elizabeth stated:

“The ‘medical advantages’ that everybody is discussing is in reality simply the impact of fragrance based treatment,”

What’s more, she included:

“The thought is that in the event that you place cuts of lemon close to your bed, at that point you will take in the unobtrusive fragrance of lemon around evening time. Lemon has been utilized as an incredible fragrance based treatment basic oil for a very long time and it has been acknowledged with so much advantages as expanded focus, diminished feelings of anxiety, in all probability the aftereffect of expanded serotonin creation, and an alleviating impact on the respiratory framework.”

Lemons can be utilized for different purposes other than wellbeing related ones, for instance, they can repulse ants in the event that you rub their juice around the potential ants’ portals (you can figure out how to dispose of ants and different bugs here), this happens on the grounds that the citrus smell disturbs the path fragrance of the ants which will cause them to leave and abstain from getting into that territory.

Lemons can be likewise used to spruce up the air since when they’re on your end table they furnish fragrance based treatment while refreshing the air with their astonishing smell.

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This Tea Will Get Rid Of Your Sinus Infection In No Time! Fri, 24 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Numerous individuals consistently get influenced by a sinus disease and manage its irritating indications, for example, facial agony and a runny nose. This agonizing disease can last from 20 days to 2 months or much more, contingent upon how genuine it is. Tragically, sinus disease influences numerous individuals around the globe. In the only us, …

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This Tea Will Get Rid Of Your Sinus Infection In No Time!

This Tea Will Get Rid Of Your Sinus Infection In No Time! - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Numerous individuals consistently get influenced by a sinus disease and manage its irritating indications, for example, facial agony and a runny nose. This agonizing disease can last from 20 days to 2 months or much more, contingent upon how genuine it is. Tragically, sinus disease influences numerous individuals around the globe. In the only us, around 37 million individuals get influenced by it. However, in the event that you get a sinus disease, you can treat it without requiring meds. You can treat it utilizing a weight system and drink tea to disposing of it.

There are many weight focuses all over that can assist you with disposing of numerous sorts of torment. You can discover a weight point on the highest point of the scaffold of your nose between your eyebrows. That weight point can enable the bodily fluid to stream on the off chance that you press it, and you will have the option to forestall sinus contamination on the off chance that you routinely rub that weight point.

At the point when you’re finished utilizing this weight strategy, make this sinus tea and drink it. Start with setting it up with these fixings:

  • A large portion of water
  • 1/4 cup of unfiltered apple juice vinegar
  • A tablespoon of crude nectar
  • A teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • A lemon wedge juice

In the event that you need to cause this tea, to pour it in a pot and heat it to the point of boiling. At that point, blend the bubbled water in with apple juice vinegar in a mug. After, include the cayenne pepper and nectar, at that point mix them together. At the point when you’re finished blending, include your lemon squeeze and drink the tea.

This tea ought to be devoured while it’s as yet hot, and you should drink it every day to wipe out the sinus contamination.

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The post This Tea Will Get Rid Of Your Sinus Infection In No Time! appeared first on O! highlights.

Magical 2-Ingredient Drink To Remove Fat From Your Body. Wed, 22 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Shedding fat from your body must be the most troublesome and testing thing on the planet. It can take months or even years. You may not believe it and I don’t blame you, considering the way that there is a supernatural mix that can help you with getting more slender using strong fixings. It can …

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Magical 2-Ingredient Drink To Remove Fat From Your Body.

Magical 2-Ingredient Drink To Remove Fat From Your Body. - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

Shedding fat from your body must be the most troublesome and testing thing on the planet. It can take months or even years. You may not believe it and I don’t blame you, considering the way that there is a supernatural mix that can help you with getting more slender using strong fixings. It can wash down your body from limitless toxins. Likewise, don’t pressure, it is extreme and anyone can start endeavoring it.

You’ll require four fixings to locate a decent pace drink and you in all likelihood starting at now have them in your home.

Chia is a consumable seed that starts from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, created in Mexico returning to Mayan and Aztec social orders. “Chia” connotes quality, and tales have it that these social orders used the minor profoundly differentiating seeds as an essentialness support. That looks good, as chia seeds are concentrated nourishment containing strong omega-3 unsaturated fats, sugars, protein, fiber, cell fortifications, and calcium. They should help control with desiring while they improve your eating routine with super-supplements. In any case, what’s the real story on these nutritious seeds and their ability to help you with getting fit as a fiddle?

Another key fixing in this equation is lemon juice. Lemons are a not too bad wellspring of supplement C and of flavonoids, or malignant growth counteraction specialists, which are thought to help prosperity and thriving in a couple of various ways. They can help our living being remove any bothersome guests, for instance, parasites, toxic substances, and microorganisms.

Nectar adequately improves the mixture, and it moreover helps by growing our life structure’s ability to acclimatize supplements. Nectar is moreover overflowing with threatening to bacterial properties. Moreover, late research shows that nectar treatment may support the issue, for instance, ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. It’s moreover squeezed with flavonoids that help decline th peril of illness It can in like manner frustrate the developing system of our telephones, due to the high malignant growth avoidance specialist closeness. Guarantee you buy the unrefined, characteristic collection, as privately obtained ones, can be stacked up with fake sugars that are ruinous to our prosperity.


The post Magical 2-Ingredient Drink To Remove Fat From Your Body. first appeared on O! highlights.

The post Magical 2-Ingredient Drink To Remove Fat From Your Body. appeared first on O! highlights.

Instead Of The Toxic Lysol Spray, Try This Solution. Thu, 16 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0000 You realize that insane inclination when somebody is wiped out and you need to plan something for “get the germs out” so nobody else gets it? I used to grab Lysol and splash it around the house yet when I learned it was brimming with toxins I chose to discover a few other options. A significant number of us grew …

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The post Instead Of The Toxic Lysol Spray, Try This Solution. appeared first on O! highlights.

Instead Of The Toxic Lysol Spray, Try This Solution.

Instead Of The Toxic Lysol Spray, Try This Solution. - Health 2024 | PopcornTime

You realize that insane inclination when somebody is wiped out and you need to plan something for “get the germs out” so nobody else gets it?

I used to grab Lysol and splash it around the house yet when I learned it was brimming with toxins I chose to discover a few other options.

A significant number of us grew up utilizing Lysol so it’s difficult to end the propensity.

Our folks didn’t have the foggiest idea how awful it was and even now it’s simply turning out to be regular information.

Lysol is brimming with synthetic compounds.

Fixings like mipa-borate, ammonium hydroxide, and oil gases are undependable for grown-ups much less for kids.

As indicated by the Environmental Working Group, these synthetic concoctions can be perilous to our skin, respiratory, and regenerative framework.

So What To Do When Someone Is Sick?

There are various less poisonous things you can do to keep disorder from spreading to other relatives without depending on utilizing synthetics in your home.

1.Wash Your Hands

Obviously, the first thing is to have everybody routinely washing their hands a few times each day and whenever they have interacted with individuals who are wiped out.

Note: According to examines washing your hands with cleanser or cleanser makes the infection disengage from the skin and self-destruct. Watch the following video to perceive any reason why you should utilize cleanser when you are at home and hand sanitizer when cleanser isn’t accessible.

2. Lift Immune System And Get Rid Of The Germs In The House

Since basic oils help support your immune system and are incredible for disinfecting you can achieve both simultaneously.

At the point when somebody is wiped out in our home I immediately turn on the diffusers and wipe down surfaces with our custom made “Lysol” letting it sit on surfaces for a couple of moments before drying.


The post Instead Of The Toxic Lysol Spray, Try This Solution. first appeared on O! highlights.

The post Instead Of The Toxic Lysol Spray, Try This Solution. appeared first on O! highlights.
